“Remember the impression one gets from good Architecture that expresses a thought. It makes one want to respond with a gesture” - Ludwig Wittgenstein. At EDH Pty Ltd our experienced team produce successful buildings that embrace not only context and settings but alsophysical and social interpretations for the site's environments.
EDH Pty Ltd has a character renowned for providing superior working documentation services, not only for our own design, but also assisting complex documentation requirements for other developments and existing/current Development Application (DA) Approvals.
Maintaining a meticulous level of documentation throughout the resources of EDH Pty Ltd allows projects of any nature in size or complexity to be documented accordingly. Our existing network of professionals allows streamlined collaboration and coordination, providing the capacity for relevant documentation to be worked on concurrently in order to meet the client’s procurement and delivery program.
Our practice utilises software technologies in Building Information Modeling (Revit-BIM) that allows documentation of projects in 3D. We coordinate all specialist consultant teams in a virtual environment to allow the building and documentation to be clear, legible and appropriately coordinated.

Client: Crown Holdings
Location: Malolo Levu Island, Fiji
Designed in 2005
The Malolo Levu Resort was commissioned on behalf of Crown Holdings for an exclusive hotel resort located on Malolo Levu Island, Fiji. The proposal achieved an exclusive Resort + Hotel accomodation that included bars and cafes. The design incorporated a uniquie maritime concept with multiple six stroried glass structures in the form of marine vessels.
The approval process via the Fiji government in direct consultation with the rightful land owners was exhaustive yet challenging due to the political and financial constraints. EDH Group achieved the client's objectives and was granted an approval from the Fiji government accordingly.
The Resort is now currently in the working document (WD) stage for which EDH Group has been commisioned for the documentation process, and in addition, our project management skills pertaining directly to the construction process.

Client: Lyons
Location: Blue Bay, NSW
Construciton: $2.275 M, Completed 2016
Bulding Area: 173m²
Site area: 549m²
Awards: 2018 Newcastle Architecture Awards Residential Architecture
The client's brief for this site directed the design to impart the families permanence on the site, to respond accordingly to the sites context and to encourage minimal maintenance by providing appropriate longevity and robust materials for a successful life-cycle approach.
A unique design utilising concrete precast + post tensioned concrete wall and roof slabs. Polished concrete + engineered timber floors create a juxtoposed design ideology to emphasise the modern architectural material pallet to encapsulate the site's demographics and desired built fabric.